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What We  Offer ...

Find out what Lincolnshire has to offer you by using the link below. The Family Services Directory is a one stop shop for you to find out about what Lincolnshire can offer you as parents/carers. 

Take a look and see what you can find!

A secure, friendly and stimulating environment for children
Baby and Toddler Rooms


Our baby and toddler unit has a dedicated baby room which caters for up to six babies from the age of 3 months, and also a separate toddler room which can take up to seventeen children between the ages of 18 months and 3 years old. In this unit we have separate sleep and changing rooms. Both rooms have their own outdoor play areas with their own covered decking area for all weather play. The ratio of staff to children is one staff member to three children for 0-2 year olds and one staff member to four children for 2-3 years.


The children will have the opportunity to investigate, explore and learn through their senses. The activities are planned every day for the children to enjoy. They will be involved in a large variety of activities including messy play, singing, painting, and outdoor play.


Government funding is available for eligible 2 year olds.




​3 Years + Preschool Class

Our second and largest unit is home to our Preschool room in which we can accomodate 26 children aged 3 and 4 years old. We aim to offer the children individual attention, which is made possible by a high ratio of adults to children - 1 adult to a maximum of 8 children, each child has a designated key person to support them and observe their progress. We follow a curriculum which is tailored to suit all children in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage. We work to create fun and friendship between the children and adults through both adult-led activities and activities they initiate themselves.


We offer government funding for eligible children of 3 and 4 years.

Holiday Clubs


In Lincolnshire school holidays we operate as a holiday club. We can take children up to 10 years old and we offer a variety of planned activities, crafts, games, baking, computer consoles etc to occupy their time and stimulate them in a fun way while their parents or carers are at work.


If you would like more details on any of the services we offer, please do not hesitate to get in touch - you will find our details on the "Contact Us" page.

Outside Play


We have 4 outside areas within the nursery. They are split into sections so that all the children have the benefit of being outside. 


Our pre-school has a large outside area where they can run around and play with various activities. The staff ensure that a variety of outside toys are used throughout the week. The children have access to scooters, balance bicycles, pedal bicycles, trikes, climbing equipment with slides, den making, tent making and the tee-pee. We have a mud kitchen and water play as well as small world activities such as fairies and dinosaurs. 


Our toddler room also has an outside space so they can use the ride on sit & ride bicycles and play with footballs and hoops. They have a mud kitchen as well as sand box. We have a slide that the children love as well as small world activities under the canopy. The raised decking ensure that all the children can learn to climb up and down steps as well as using the ramp. 


In between these two areas is our vegetable garden and the children are able to grow and harvest our own crops.

(This can been seen in the picture gallery)


Our baby room has a smaller outside area with decking and artificial grass so that they can learn to climb and explore outside. The older babies have access to a slide and they also have walkers and sit & ride toys. Younger babies enjoy the Jumper-roo on the decking and the water play. Many of the toys/activities that are used inside also are able to be used outside either on the decking or on the grass.  


Being able to play outside is a great asset to our nursery

and the children enjoy using these areas all year round. 

© 2023 by Rainbow Nursery

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